From April 21-28th, 2023 the Junior League of Albany, Inc. will launch it’s 6th Little  Black Dress Initiative (“LBDI”), to raise awareness around the limits of poverty and food insecurity places on the members of the Capital Region by asking our members to wear one black dress/outfit for 5 consecutive days. Wearing one single item of clothing for a week will highlight the crippling (and often invisible) effects limited resources can have on quality of life.

The objectives of the LBDI are: to raise awareness of the difficulties facing those who are in need and have few resources; to understand how limited resources can affect daily life; and to raise funds in support of the mission of the JLA. These funds will help us continue to offer training and volunteer opportunities for our members, and to support the local organizations with whom we partner.

Last year’s LBDI Campaign helped the League partner with A Child’s Place in the City of Albany to launch a monthly backpack program that provides healthy food, a book, and necessities like mittens and socks as well as literature on additional resources for parents to help alleviate food deserts in under-served urban neighborhoods. In addition during COVID JLA was able to make additional donations to South End Children's Cafe as well as the Free Food Fridge Project giving back to the local community. Prior years have allowed JLA to partner with Capital Roots to launch a Taste Good Series at Sheridan Prep in the City of Albany.

This year, our goal is to raise $15,000 to combat poverty and food insecurity, so your support is incredibly critical to making this campaign a success! Your donation will help us continue to partner with other organizations to raise funds, train hands-on volunteers, and help spread the word to assure JLA projects successfully meet community needs.

Throughout the week there will be a number of online activities and announcements, as well as some in-person events. You can follow along with the LBDI on the Junior League of Albany’s Facebook page, or support the campaign with a donation here.


Meet some of the fundraisers that are part of this campaign

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